Facing a cancer diagnosis can be incredibly challenging and overwhelming for both the individual and their loved ones. The journey is often filled with physical, emotional and mental hardships requiring understanding and support. Patients frequently experience a range of emotions such as fear, anxiety and sadness. They may face physical symptoms such as pain, nausea and fatigue.
Oncology massage is specialised. It is a non-invasive, compassionate touch which uses light pressure with slow and steady movements to help the body relax.
It is a holistic therapy based on compassion, care and specialised massage techniques to help people manage both their physical and emotional reactions to cancer. Much of the evidence around oncology massage indicates it helps improve the client’s quality of life, with some of the benefits being improved relaxation, sleep and immune function, as well as relieving anxiety, pain, nausea and fatigue.
I have undertaken professional training, which teaches how each patient has a personal experience with cancer, so each treatment is a highly individualised massage to comfort, nurture and support them along the journey.
My massage treatment is specific to each patient, taking in the full spectrum of unique cancer-related issues being experienced. Personal goals for receiving oncology massage are also discussed and considered. These may include a desire to feel less stressed and more relaxed, to relieve nausea or pain and peripheral neuropathy, for better sleep and less fatigue.
Massage therapy stimulates blood circulation, which releases muscle tension, promoting the body’s natural healing processes. This can help alleviate anxiety and stress, generating a sense of calm and relief.
Massage has been scientifically proven not to be any more likely to cause the spread of cancer than general movement.